

Vigo, the first law firm in France to have undergone AFAQ 26000 assessment

VIGO is driven by strong convictions forged by the commitment of its members in areas such as human rights, fundamental labour rights and the environment. It is therefore natural that in the interest of its clients VIGO has developed expertise in CSR law.

In 2013, VIGO chose to go a step further: to undertake to assume responsibility for the impacts of its decisions in areas within the scope of CSR and to report thereon.

That same year, the Paris Bar Association, in partnership with AFNOR, offered to assist law firms wishing to incorporate a CSR approach. VIGO seized this opportunity and its application was selected by the Bar Association.

VIGO underwent AFAQ 26000 assessment in June 2015.

On the basis of the AFAQ 26000 assessment, VIGO sought to measure its contribution to sustainable development: all its practices, as well as its social, economic and environmental results, were reviewed.

Despite the fact that this initial assessment was begun less than 18 months ago, VIGO has already achieved “Progression” maturity level, which confirms that the firm has fully integrated the various aspects of social responsibility.

Vigo is thus the first law firm in France to have undergone AFAQ 26000 assessment.

VIGO’s main strong points identified at the conclusion of the AFAQ 26000 assessment were:


The values of respect shared within VIGO and unanimously recognised by its stakeholders (internal and external), who were interviewed in connection with the assessment.


The structuring of VIGO’s approach and its action plan based on an analysis of key ISO 26000 issues.


VIGO’s commitment and the resources it devotes to pro bono actions are recognised within the profession.


The quality of VIGO’s services, which are often rewarded.

The AFAQ 26000 assessment also enabled VIGO to identify areas for improvement in its practices because sustainable development is an ideal that requires constant adaptation and effort.

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What is AFAQ 26000 ?

AFAQ 26000 is an evaluation of the degree of integration of sustainable development principles in companies, in line with the international standard ISO 26000.

This standard provides organizations with guidelines for social responsibility and invites them to articulate their approach around seven central questions :

  • the governance of the organization
  • human rights
  • labour relations and working conditions
  • the environment
  • good business practices
  • consumer-customer issues and societal engagement
vigo avocats
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les dossiers sensibles et complexes
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